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Image by Saransh Sinha

Alcohol License 

In order to import or sell alcohol legally in Thailand, you will have to acquire the necessary license for your type of business.

Alcohol License

Generally, companies that require alcohol licenses can be divided into restaurants, bars, entertainment, import and wholesale businesses. Depending on the size of the operation and whether the alcohol was imported to or manufactured here in Thailand, different license types need to be acquired as follows:

Alcohol License Type 1

Import and sales of more than 10 liters per time of alcoholic beverages that has not been manufactured in Thailand (wholesale)

License Fee:


8250 THB per year

Alcohol License Type 5

Sales of less than 10 liters of alcoholic beverages pert time that has not been manufactured in Thailand and only for temporary use of not more than 10 days

License Fee:


Alcohol License Type 2

Sales of more than 10 liters of alcoholic beverages per time that has been manufactured in Thailand (wholesale)

License Fee:


220 THB (Less than 6000 liters


660 THB (6000 to 20000 liters)


1320 THB (20001 to 32000 liters)


1650 THB (More than 32000 liters)

Alcohol License Type 6

Sales of less than 10 liters of alcoholic beverages per time that has been manufactured in Thailand and only for temporary use of not more than 10 days

License Fee:

55THB (Bangkok,

Municipality and Pattaya)

27.50THB (City and Tambon Municipality)

Free (outside of the above mentioned Cities)

Alcohol License Type 3

Sales of less than 10 liters of alcoholic beverages per time that has not been manufactured in Thailand (retail)

License Fee:


1650 THB per year

(Bangkok,Municipality and Pattaya)


1100 THB (Outside of Bangkok,Municipality and Pattaya)

Alcohol License Type 7

Not more than 10 liters of alcoholic beverages per time only at an association or club house

License Fee:

220THB per year


55THB per year if alcohol is manufactured in Thailand

Alcohol License Type 4

Sales of less than 10 liters of alcoholic beverages per time that has been manufactured in Thailand (retail)

License Fee:


110THB per year

(Bangkok,Municipality and Pattaya


55THB per year (City and Tambon Municipality)


11THB (Cities not concerning the above mentioned)


Need Assistance?


Nattaphong, Senior Legal Consultant

Import of Alcohol: 

The following documents are required if you import for trade or for non-trade purposes:

Import for Trade 

Copies of invoices and performa invoices

ID card (if person), certificate of registration (if business)

Power of Attorney

Import for Non- Trade 

A copy of license type 1

Copies of invoices and performa invoices

Approval Letter of the label

Copy of household registration/ lease contract

ID card (if person), certificate of registration (if business)

Power of Attorney

Please note that if you are planning to import alcoholic beverages, you also need to apply for an import/export license and take into consideration, customs import duties, excise taxes and VAT.


For further information please contact us anytime.

  Any Questions? 

 Speak to our Team 

+6627115470 #101

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