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Image by Saransh Sinha


A successful BOI application can provide a significant amount of benefits for your business. The application process however is very complex and can be frustrating without the assistance of experienced lawyers.

What is BOI in Thailand?


The Board of investment (BOI) was established in Thailand in 1997 with the intention to attract valuable investments from both foreigners and local entrepreneurs who are interested in the agencies promoted activities. Under this policy, eligible businesses that fulfill the criteria by the Board of Investment may receive tax- or non-tax incentives.

BOI Thailand

BOI Company Benefits

BOI Certification provides a range of benefits for companies including:


Foreign Majority Share

Foreigners are allowed to have more than 49% percent of share ownership. Even 100% Ownership

is possible.


Land Ownership

Foreigners are permitted to own land 


Tax advantages

Corporate income tax exception, exceptions or reductions on import duties, double deductions on transportation, water and electricity costs. 25% deduction on the cost on construction of facilities.


More lenient visa and work permit regulations

Multiple work permits, without the need to hire 4 Thai employees per work permit, possible.

Permission to bring in skilled workers and experts to Thailand.


Need Assistance?


Nattaphong, Senior Legal Consultant

Thai Limited Company vs Board of Investment Company



Foreign Ownership


Up to 100%

Effective Corporate Tax Rate



Thai To Foreign Employee Ratio



Import of Machinery or Raw Material


Duty Free or Reduction of import duty

Construction Cost of Facilities

No additional deductions

Additional 25 % Deduction on Construction Cost

BOI promoted Industries

In order to enjoy the benefits offered by the Board of Investment, local or Thai entrepreneurs must fall under the following categories:

  • Agriculture and Agricultural Products

  • Mining, Ceramics and Basic Metals

  • Light Industry

  • Metal Products, Machinery and Transport Equipment

  • Electronic Industry and Electric Appliances

  • Chemicals, Paper and Plastics

  • Services and Public Utilities

  • Technology and Innovation Development

BOI Company Application Process:

Step 1:  Preparation of the BOI Application including feasibility study and research of your Project.

Step 2:  Submission of the BOI Application and all required documents

Step 3:  BOI Presentation and Evaluation

Step 4: Approval or Non Approval of BOI Application

Step 5: Registration of BOI company after successful Approval of Application

Step 6: Work permits and Visa

Step 7: BOI Report and Compliance 



*Please note that the application process for BOI Certification can take a long time and is usually reserved for large investors. Unforeseen complication may arise, due to the complexity of the certification process. It is therefore vital that the application is conducted with the assistance of experienced lawyers.

  Any Questions? 

 Speak to our Team 

+6627115470 #101

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